Center for Life Science Reseach (CELIFE) has long-standing cooperative relationships with many domestic and foreign partners. Since the 2000s, CELIFE has cooperated with domestic institutions in training, especially in creating conditions for students, masters students, and postgraduates to participate in research in CELIFE laboratories. This is to improve the quality of training and at the same time, to implement the development concept of “Research University” of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. CELIFE has also implemented many joint research projects with centers and laboratories in other domestic research institutes, science and technology organizations or companies,…. In addition, CELIFE has built partnerships with many life science research institutions in the region (in Thailand, Singapore, …) and in the world (in the United States, Belgium, Korea, Taiwan, etc…). Cooperation activities play an important role in the development of the center and will therefore be further promoted in the coming time.