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Key equipment


Fluorescence microscope  
STEREO Discovery V8 (Carl-Zeiss)
DIC reverse phase microscope and Fluorescence Axio Observer 7 with Apotome 2 upgrade (Carl-Zeiss)



Gel scanners UVP BioDoc It2 Imager 
(Analytik Jena)
Quantitative PCR machine 
(real-time PCR) 7500 
(Applied Biosystems)
Gradient PCR mastercycler        Nexus GSX1 (Eppendorf)
Molecular analysis equipment 
Spectra max 384 plus
GC system (detectors: FID, TCD) 7890B (Agilent)
HPLC system (fluorescent and PDA detectors) Alliance e2695 (Waters)

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