Hai The Pham
Research group for Physiology and Applications of Microorganisms (PHAM group), GREENLAB, Center for Life Science Research (CELIFE) and Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Bioelectrochemical technologies taking advantage of electrochemical activities of microorganisms have recently gained special attention. Electroactive microorganisms can either transfer electrons to or receive electrons from an electrode. Such unique properties can be exploited to create either a microbial fuel cell, a microbial electrolysis system, or a microbial electrosynthesis system, and thus can offer a variety of possible technologies for various applications. In this chapter, we provide an overview of plausible applications of bioelectrochemical technologies, particularly in agriculture resource recovery, as this is an increasing demand from the massive human population on the earth. Those applications may include, but are not limited to, recovering energy from agriculture wastes as electricity and fuel chemicals, upgrading agriculture wastes to valuable products or biomass, recovering nutrients from agriculture wastes, etc. Furthermore, novel bioelectrochemical processes and the potentials of applying BES technologies to achieve a future circular agriculture economy will also be discussed.