The Department of Zoology was established in 1956. In 1960, from the Department of Zoology, 02 different Departments were formed: Vertebrate Zoology and Invertebrate Zoology. In 1969, from the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, a group of staff developed the Department of Experimental Zoology. In 1976, the Group of Biological Anthropology moved from The Department of Zoology and formed a new Department: Biological Anthropology. And from December 27th, 2017, The Department of Zoology has had the new name: the Department of Zoology and Conservation.
Undergraduate teaching subjects include: Vertebrate Zoology, Marine Biology, Fisheries Biology, Vertebrates Systematics, Applied Biology and Vertebrate Conservation, Introduction to Ichthyology, Biogeography, Biology and Ecology of Vertebrates, Tropical Ecology and Conservation, Biological Field Studies.
Teaching and instructing Master and PhD students in Zoology and Ecology.
Number of students per year: Undergraduate (10-20 undergraduate students), Master (3-5 master students), PhD (2-4 PhD students). Number of graduated students: 600 BSc, 50 MSc and 20 PhD.
Office: Room 332 T1 Building, VNU University of Science. 334 Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Phone: (84) 024.38582331